EU projekti Green scent Vannastavne aktivnosti Zanimljivosti

SMART lifestyle – tinejdžeri & ekologija

Razvijena ekološka svest, koju neizostavno čine i znanje i ponašanje, je danas potrebnija više nego ikada, naročito u zemljama istočne Evrope. Postoji mnogo načina na koje možemo podići svest o značaju ekologije kod mladih, a ovde možete pročitati kako se učenici srednje škole SMART angažuju u očuvanju životne sredine. Možda vas možemo dodatno inspirisati!

Ekološke flašice

Znamo koliko je plastika štetna za okolinu, koliko joj vremena treba da se razgradi i gde se čestice plastike mogu nalaziti. Zbog toga srednja škola SMART svojim učenicima obezbeđuje ekološke flašice za vodu koje dobijaju prilikom upisa u školu. Flašice koje naši đaci koriste mogu biti indikatori za bakteriološko ispitivanje vode, jer one kroz nekoliko minuta odaju jak miris ukoliko voda u njima nije ispravna. Na ovaj način se već prilikom prvog susreta budi svest o značaju očuvanja prirode.

3 plastic bottles

Čep za osmeh

I pored svih štetnih materija koje sadrži, plastika ipak može nekome da izmami osmeh! Naša škola je pridružila se humanoj akciji udruženja “Čepom do osmeha” koje je osnovano 2012. godine sa ciljem osnaživanja i pružanja podrške licima sa invaliditetom i njihovim porodicama. Odvajanjem i prikupljanjem plastičnih čepova unapređujemo sistem odvajanja čvrstog otpada u Srbiji. Prikupljeni reciklažni materijal se odvozi u reciklažni centar, a prikupljena sredstva se doniraju u humanitarne svrhe, sa akcentom na decu sa invaliditetom ili nekom smetnjom u razvoju.

Zasadi život, budi heroj!

Koliko su nam solidarnost, empatija i međusobna podrška svima važni, podsetilo nas je učešće u humanitarnoj akciji “Zasadi život, budi heroj!”. Povodom Svetskog dana dece obolele od raka, naši učenici su se pridružili akciji Naionalnog udruženja roditelja dece obolele od raka NURDOR i kupili olovke “Zasadi život, budi heroj!” koja u sebi ima i seme nane, bosiljka ili lavande. Kupovinom ove olovke, naši smartovci su pomogli svojim vršnjacima, koji se i u ovim teškim danima bore za ozdravljenje.

3 students are planting a tree

Eko-preduzetnička nagrada

U okviru konkursa “Zeleni inkubator“, koji je organizovala grupa “Omladinci u zelenom preduzetništvu“, Andrejeva eko-preduzetnička ideja prepoznata je kao najkreativnija i najoriginalnija, te je odnela i 1. mesto u ovom eko-takmičenju. Andrej je član naše školske sekcije “Preduzetništvo za mlade“, a na ovo eko-takmičenje Andrej se prijavio sa idejom koja bi doprinela zaštiti životne sredine. Na koji način je Andrej povezao reciklažu sa popustima za plaćanje računa, sa ulaznicama za bazene, bioskope i sa humanitarnim akcijama, pročitajte ovde

Sakupljanje i reciklaža papira

Na kraju svake školske godine, učenici i profesori naše škole sakupljaju papir koji im nije više potreban, a potom se taj papirni otpad šalje na reciklažu. Recikliranje kao važan proces u očuvanju životne sredine je nešto na šta podstičemo mlade, a tim podsticajima pokušavamo da ga uvedemo u svakodnevnicu.

Odvajanje smeća

Naši učenici od samog početka dobijaju smernice za odvajanje smeća – staklena ambalaža se odlaže u kontejner namenjen za stakleni otpad, organske materije u kontejner namenjen organskom otpadu, plastični otpad u kontejnere sa plastikom. Iako to u Srbiji nažalost nije svuda praksa, čvrsto nastojimo da kod učenika stvorimo jednu zdravu naviku koja će pomoći očuvanju sredine, jer velike promene počinju malim koracima.

Ekološka sekcija

Još jedan od primera kako podstičemo malde da vode računa o svojoj okolini jeste rad ekološke seckije naše gimnazije. Sekciju vodi profesorica geografije, a mogu joj se pridružiti zainteresovani učenici, kao i profesori. Ovaj vid nastave podstiče razvoj svesti o brizi i očuvanju sredine kroz različite aktivnosti poput organizovanja i učestvovanja u različitim akcijama, panel diskusijama na temu ekologije ili poseta umetničkih izložbi sa temom očuvanja prirode.

Načina za angažovanje mladih u aktuelnim ekološkim temama je mnogo, a koji birate vi?


Tekst na engleskom jeziku možete pročitati na zvaničnom Green scent sajtu: 

SMART lifestyle 

A more developed environmental awareness, encompassing both knowledge and behaviour, is more needed than ever, especially in Eastern Europe. There are many ways in which we can raise awareness of the importance of ecology among young people, and here you can read how SMART high school students from Serbia are engaged in preserving the environment. Maybe we can inspire you further!

Eco bottles

We know how harmful plastic is to the environment, how long it takes to decompose and where plastic particles can be found. That’s why SMART high school provides its students with ecological water bottles that they receive when they enrol in school. Our students’ bottles can be used as indicators for bacteriological testing of water, since if the water in them is not clean, they release a strong smell within a few minutes. In this way, the awareness of the importance of nature conservation is raised already during the first meeting.

3 plastic bottles

Smile cap

Despite all the harmful substances it contains, plastic can still make someone smile! Our school joined the humanitarian action of the association “Cepom do osmeha”(Smile cap) which was founded in 2012 with the aim of empowering and providing support to persons with disabilities and their families. By separating and collecting plastic caps, we improve the solid waste separation system in Serbia. Funds collected from recycling are donated to humanitarian causes, with a particular focus on children with special needs.

Plant life, be a hero!

Participation in the humanitarian action “Plant life, be a hero!” reminded us how important solidarity, empathy and mutual support are to us all. On the occasion of the World Day of Children with Cancer, our students joined the action of the National Association of Parents of Children with Cancer NURDOR and bought pencils “Plant life, be a hero!” which also contains mint, basil or lavender seeds. By buying this pen, our students helped their peers, who are fighting for recovery.

3 students are planting a tree


Eco-entrepreneurial award

Within the “Green Incubator” contest, organized by the “Youth in Green Entrepreneurship” group, Andrej’s eco-entrepreneurial idea was recognized as the most creative and original, and won 1st place in this eco-competition. Andrej is a member of our school’s “Entrepreneurship for Young People” section, and submitted an idea for this eco-competition. Learn more about Andrej’s connection between recycling and discounts for paying bills, swimming pool tickets, cinema tickets, and humanitarian actions here: : 

Paper collection and recycling

At the end of each school year, students and teachers collect paper that they no longer need and send it for recycling. Recycling as an important process in preserving the environment is something that we encourage young people to do, and with these incentives we try to introduce it into everyday life.

Garbage separation

From the very beginning, our students receive guidelines for separating garbage – glass packaging is placed in a container intended for glass waste, organic matter in a container intended for organic waste, plastic waste in containers with plastic. Although this is unfortunately not the practice everywhere in Serbia, we strongly strive to create a healthy habit in students that will help preserve the environment, because big changes start with small steps.

Ecological section

Another example of how we encourage children to take care of their environment is the work of the ecological section of our high school. The section is led by a geography professor, and interested students and professors can join it. This type of teaching encourages the development of awareness about the care and preservation of the environment through various activities such as organizing and participating in various actions, panel discussions on the topic of ecology or visiting art exhibitions on the topic of nature conservation.

There are many ways to engage young people in current environmental issues, but which one do you choose?

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