EU projekti Green scent Novosti Zanimljivosti

Green scent iskustvo iz Barselone – Zero Pollution

Pozvani smo u Barselonu povodom GreenScent projekta na temu „Zero Pullution“. Imali smo nekoliko onlajn sastanaka, a zatim su nas pozvali da prisustvujemo predavanjima i radionicama u trajanju od dva dana. Srećni što ćemo putovati u tako divan grad i upoznati neke nove ljude, njihove navike i razmišljanja, dodatno nas je usrećilo. U organizaciji ovog evropskog projekta dobili smo sve smernice, rezervisane avionske karte i hotel, agendu događaja i avantura je mogla da počne.

Sleteli u Barselonu, čekiranja u hotel i usledila je prva radionica, ona je zapravo bila igra za međusobno upoznavanje. Stali smo u krug i videli da neko od učesnika drži lopticu, loptica je služila za međusobno dobacivanje, ali sa malim dodatkom, pre nego što nekome dodaš loptu, moraš da izgovoriš njegovo/njeno ime, kako bismo lakše zapamtili imena jedni drugima. Nakon par odigranih krugova dobacivanja bilo je vreme za početak druge radionice.

Druga radionica se odvijala u sobi za konferencije gde su nas organizatorke Ditte i Sif upoznale sa planom i programom i ciljem našeg dolaska. Nakon završene druge radionice, krenuli smo ka restoranu gde bi večerali. Na naše iznenađenje to je bio vegetarijanski/veganski restoran pod imenom “Teresa Carles“. Bilo je uzbudljivo probati nove ukuse i kombinacije hrane. Posle završene večere vratili smo se u hotel i nastavili druženje po sobama.

Nakon zanimljivog i dana punog upoznavanja novih ljudi usledio je drugi dan aktivnosti. Drugog dana nakon doručka usledila je prva radionica tog dana. Radionica pod imenom CLEANAIR@SCHOOLS se sastojala od prezentacije projekta kompanije i ciljem iste. Nakon održane prezentacije usledila je šetnja po Barseloni i postavljanje senzora za merenje zagađenosti vazduha. Senzori su bili postavljani na obeleženim mestima na aplikaciji u koju su se takođe unosile i informacije o senzorima. Podeljeni u sedam grupa krenuli smo da postavljamo senzore, a svaka grupa sastojala se od dvoje učesnika koja je imala dva mesta negde u gradu gde bi postavila senzor i unela u aplikaciju. Šetnja i sama radionica su doprinele u boljem upoznavanju i druženju svih učesnika i stvaranju novih prijateljstava.

Nakon postavljenih 5 od 15 senzora bilo je vreme za ručak. Kada smo stigli u restoran bili smo upoznati sa novom igrom sa kartama koju bismo igrali dok čekamo hranu. Nakon zabavnog ručka koji je prošao u druženju, nastavili smo dalje po gradu u našoj misiji da postavimo preostale senzore i pomognemo oko prikupljanja informacija radi boljeg praćenja čistoće vazduha što je i bila tema našeg dolaska. Nakon postavljanja ostatka senzora krenuli smo ka čuvenoj La Sagrada Familia, poznatoj crkvi u centru Barselone. Posle kraće šetnje do crkve i oko nje krenuli samo nazad do hotela na analizu aplikacije i celog procesa postavljanja senzora. Nakon analize i prikupljenih utisaka sa današnje “avanture” krenuli smo ka restoranu na večeru. Nakon završene večere i dolaska u hotel usledilo je opet druženje po sobama.

I, nažalost, stigao je i taj treći i poslednji dan. Posle doručka usledila je i poslednja radionica na kojoj smo ocenjivali samu aplikajicu GreenSCENT-a i CLEANAIR@SCHOOL kompanije, ali smo i obradili temu o uključivanju učenika u planiranje školskog plana i programa. Nakon obrađene dve teme usledilo je analiziranje i davanje povratnih informacija na obrađene teme tokom čitavog projekta i njihovoj važnosti u društvu.

Sve u svemu, jako lepo i nezaboravno iskustvo. Svi učesnici su bili jako ljubazni i druželjubivi, a posebno smo srećni zbog stvaranja novih prijateljstava sa ljudima iz različitih država. Ovo su prijateljstva koja će, nadamo se, opstati još puno vremena i koja ćemo pamtiti do kraja života.

Aljoša Ćika i Mladen Cvetković


Experience from Barcelona
Zero Pollution

We were invited to Barcelona on the occasion of the GreenScent project on “Zero Pollution”. We had a few online meetings and then were invited to attend lectures and workshops for two days. Happy to travel to such a wonderful city and meet some new people, their habits and thoughts, made us even happier. In the organization of this European project, we received all the guidelines, reserved plane tickets and hotel, agenda of events and the adventure could begin.

We landed in Barcelona, checked into the hotel and the first workshop followed, it was actually a game to get to know each other. We stood in a circle and saw that one of the participants was holding a ball, the ball was used to throw each other but with a small addition, before you pass the ball to someone you have to say his/her name, which would make it easier to remember each other’s names. After a few rounds of throwing, it was time to start the second workshop. The second workshop took place in the conference room, where the organizers Ditte and Sif introduced us to the plan and program and the purpose of our visit. After finishing the second workshop, we headed to the restaurant where we would have dinner. To our surprise it was a vegetarian/vegan restaurant called “Teresa Carles”. It was exciting to try new flavors and combinations of food. After dinner, we returned to the hotel and continued hanging out in the rooms. After an interesting and full day of meeting new people, day two followed. On the second day, after breakfast, the first workshop of the day followed. The workshop called CLEANAIR@SCHOOLS consisted of a presentation of the company’s project and its goal. The presentation was followed by a walk around Barcelona and the installation of sensors for measuring air pollution. The sensors were placed in marked places on the application, where information about the sensors was also entered (image of the placed sensor, QR code scan, street, etc.). Divided into seven groups, we set out to install the sensors, each group consisted of two participants who had two places somewhere in the city where they would install the sensor and enter it into the application. The walk and the workshop itself contributed to better acquaintance and companionship of all participants and the creation of new friendships. After placing 5 out of 15 sensors it was time for lunch. When we arrived at the restaurant we were introduced to a new card game that they would play at the table to pass the time while we waited for our food and socialize along the way. After a fun and talkative lunch, we continued around the city on our mission to install the remaining sensors and help collect information for better monitoring of air purity, which was the topic of our visit. After installing the rest of the sensors, we headed towards the famous La Sagrada Familia, the famous church in the center of Barcelona. After a short walk to the church and around it, we headed back to the hotel to analyze the application and the entire process of installing the sensor. After the analysis and collected impressions from today’s “adventure”, we headed to the restaurant for dinner. After finishing dinner and arriving at the hotel, it was time to hang out again in the rooms. And unfortunately that third and last day has arrived. After breakfast, the last workshop followed, where we evaluated the GreenSCENT application itself and the CLEANAIR@SCHOOL company, but also dealt with the topic of involving students in the planning of the school curriculum. After the two topics covered, it was followed by analyzing and giving feedback on the topics covered during the entire project and their importance in society.

All in all, a very nice and unforgettable experience. All the participants were very kind and friendly, and we are especially happy for making new friendships with people from different countries. These are friendships that, we hope, will last for a long time and that we will remember for the rest of our lives.

-Aljoša Ćika and Mladen Cvetković

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